Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to upperlevelthegreat's animation-focused blog! I am glad you found it, now go watch some of my videos and tell your friends! Please follow! =)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well, I just bought a used Canon XSi Digital SLR camera.

I am still learning the functions and tricks, but I have tried it with stop motion pro and it works flawlessly.
The quality is fantastic, and being able to control focus is very useful.
Unfortunately, I will now need to re-shoot a very large amount of animation in this higher quality. This includes the 1000 subscribers video, so that video will now take a little while longer.
The upside though, is that you can expect much higher quality animations!



Sunday, February 6, 2011

1000 Subscribers!

Thank you viewers for 1000 youtube subscribers! I didn't ever think I would get this far when I started, but the ball is really rolling now.
I am getting paid offers for animation and everything.
I posted a bulletin on youtube also.
Congrats to the 1000th subscriber: silverstareb!
I will think of some kind of prize for you!

Expect a video commemorating this milestone shortly, I m really busy, but I will throw something together in the next few days.

Thanks, and invite some people to read this blog!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Projects

I am still working on a few projects at the moment.
These include:
-Thinking Putty animation
-Citizens of Tomorrow music video
-Fun trippy morphs set to music by Mega Cubensis (my new band project)

That's right, you can expect a sweet animation for 1000 subs, although it might not be exactly at the time of the 1000th sub. The 1000th sub gets free access to my HotFile account!

If you want some updates including behind the scenes videos (only on the blog) and pictures, subscribe to the blog.

If you haven't already, subscribe to my youtube upperlevelthegreat.

I will no longer let this blog go long times without updating, as long as I am animating I'm updating.

Thanks, new update in a little while with promised pictures and videos, maybe even a blog-exclusive tutorial, stay tuned!