Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to upperlevelthegreat's animation-focused blog! I am glad you found it, now go watch some of my videos and tell your friends! Please follow! =)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well, I just bought a used Canon XSi Digital SLR camera.

I am still learning the functions and tricks, but I have tried it with stop motion pro and it works flawlessly.
The quality is fantastic, and being able to control focus is very useful.
Unfortunately, I will now need to re-shoot a very large amount of animation in this higher quality. This includes the 1000 subscribers video, so that video will now take a little while longer.
The upside though, is that you can expect much higher quality animations!



Sunday, February 6, 2011

1000 Subscribers!

Thank you viewers for 1000 youtube subscribers! I didn't ever think I would get this far when I started, but the ball is really rolling now.
I am getting paid offers for animation and everything.
I posted a bulletin on youtube also.
Congrats to the 1000th subscriber: silverstareb!
I will think of some kind of prize for you!

Expect a video commemorating this milestone shortly, I m really busy, but I will throw something together in the next few days.

Thanks, and invite some people to read this blog!